Are you ready to get rid of all your body tension?
Are you ready to get rid of your tight and uncomfortable muscles?
Are you ready to get rid of your knots and pains that make your life a misery?
I bet you are but don’t you worry, our lacrosse massage ball is here to give you the relief you are looking for.
This Lacrosse Massage Ball (set of 2) is perfect to give you an accurate body massage that will help you to:
– Relax Muscles
– Reduce Tension
– Improve Circulation
– Remove toxins
But that’s not all, it will also provide you other extra benefits such as:
– Plantar Fasciitis Recovery
– Stress Reflexology
– Myofascial Release
– Trigger Point Therapy
– Bad Posture Correction
– Joint Stiffness Reduction
– Flexibility Improvement
– Soreness Prevention
– Stretch Reflex in Muscles
– Physiotherapy Treatment
It can be used in pre and post workout for sports activities such as tennis, football, gym, hiking, walking, running, swimming, etc.
Just roll it under you hand, foot, back, shoulder, neck, leg or arm. Do your own self-massage or get someone to massage you.
Bring it everywhere you want and use it anywhere you have tension.
GET AN IMMEDIATE PAIN RELIEF: Specifically designed to release tight and uncomfortable muscles, reduce tension, increase blood flow as well as lymphatic circulation and remove toxins.
ROLL IT ANYWHERE YOU HAVE TENSION: Roll away tension in your neck, shoulders, back, feet and the rest of your body. Made to improve your overall range of motion and reduce your pain levels.
LOOSEN UP YOUR TIGHT MUSCLES: Perform direct trigger point therapy by rolling the lacrosse ball over your knots and tense muscles. Target areas other massage tools simply can’t reach.
DURABLE, HIGH QUALITY MASSAGE BALL: The lacrosse ball is composed of high density firm premium rubber that will last over time and won’t buckle under your body weight. Ball diameter is 6.3cm.
RECOMMENDED BY FITNESS AND MEDICAL EXPERTS: Helps to relieve pain, rejuvenate and revitalise all parts of the body, used by variety of health and medical professionals.
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